What is the Better Access Initiative?

The Better Access Initiative is a national, federally-funded scheme that aims to support Australians to access mental health support and treatment. Under this initiative, people seeking mental health support and treatment are entitled to receive a rebate from Medicare for the service that they access.

People may access up to 10 individual mental health consultations for psychological therapy which attract a Medicare rebate, per calendar year.  People may also access up to 10 psychological group therapy services, as part of this initiative, in addition to their entitlement to individual psychological support and therapy.

Support may be via face-to-face in-person appointments, telehealth (video web-conferencing) or phone. You might choose to access a combination of these appointment types, or in-person or remote (telehealth and phone).

Who can provide services under this initiative?

Psychologists, Clinical Psychologists, Occupational Therapists and Social Workers.

How do I access services under this initiative?

To be eligible, you must have a Mental Health Care Treatment Plan from your GP, or have been referred to the service by your GP, if you have an existing psychiatric assessment and management plan. You might also be referred by a Pediatrician or Psychiatrist.

How much is the Medicare rebate for Psychologists?

Medicare offers a rebate of $93.35 per 50 minute consultation with a registered Psychologist.

What psychological strategies are approved for use under this initiative?

  • Psycho-education (including motivational interviewing)

  • Cognitive-behavioural therapy including: Behavioural interventions such as Behaviour modification, Exposure techniques and Activity scheduling, as well as Cognitive interventions including Cognitive therapy.

  • Relaxation strategies including Progressive muscle relaxation and Controlled breathing.

  • Skills training including problem solving skills and training, anger management, social skills training, communication training, stress management and Parent Management training.

  • Interpersonal Therapy

  • Narrative Therapy

  • Eye-movement desensitisation reprocessing (EMDR)

Can I use my Mental Health Treatment Plan to access services at Level- Headed Psychology?

Yes, you can. Our psychologist offers services under this initiative, and individual consultations will attract a Medicare Rebate of $93.35 processed automatically for you following your scheduled appointment. There will be an out-of pocket expense of $86.65 to cover the cost of the consultation.

The Australian Psychological Society (APS) recommended fees for individual psychological therapy is $280 per 50 min consultation. Our psychologist charges significantly less than this recommended amount, charging only $180 per consultation, in an effort to make mental health support more accessible to those that need it most and to allow people the benefits that comes with regularly accessing support as part of their treatment.

Am I entitled to Medicare rebates for consultations with a Counsellor?

No. Unfortunately, Counsellors cannot provide services under the Better Access Initiative.

Do I need a Mental Health Treatment Plan to see a Psychologist?

No. You can access a Psychologist of your own choosing, without a Mental Health Treatment Plan. However, you will not be entitled to receive any Medicare rebates for any of your consultations. You will be required to pay the full consultation fee.

Can I choose my own Psychologist under the Better Access Initiative?

Absolutely! Finding a Psychologist with whom you feel comfortable, and who has expertise and experience in the area you’re seeking help with, is really important. You can seek out your own registered Psychologist, and discuss with your GP so that they are aware of your intended practitioner, and can liaise with them and discuss your progress with therapy.