About us.

Douha El-Assaad Psychologist Sydney

Level Headed Psychology is a collective of experienced practitioners who provide quality mental health care in a very human way.

We feel a great sense of privilege to be able to walk alongside our clients in their own journeys, and hope to support them and provide them with clinical care in a very human way.

Sarah El-Assaad  Psychology & Counselling Sydney

A modern approach to Psychology & Counselling.

We are inspired by the courage shown by our clients, as they openly invite and welcome the many benefits and possibilities on offer through this type of support.

We acknowledge that it can be difficult to prioritize this care in an increasingly busy world, and so our practitioners offer support, online or by-phone. We hope that our offering of telehealth and online support will make it easier for our clients to prioritize their mental health needs and access the support they require.

Get started, today.

Schedule a consultation with one of our practitioners.